oktober 1, 2021

Talentenuur eTwinning: september

eTwinning students are involved in 2 international projects during this period: We are what we eat Students will work on good eating habits. It is extremely important they know the benefits of eating healthy products from their area. Click HERE for more info.
april 23, 2021

1A Talentenuur eTwinning

The students of the talent bases course 'eTwinning' created a web magazine about Easter traditions with our Spanish partners. Enjoy! A mag created with
maart 17, 2021

Talentenuur eTwinning

Last period, the pupils of the European club created their own song for our Eurovision Song Contest. Here are 2 videos to show you our performance.
december 8, 2020

Talentenuur eTwinning

De leerlingen van het talentenuur eTwinning hebben deelgenomen aan een live-sessie met hun Spaanse leeftijdsgenoten. Beide klasgroepen stelden hun school voor in het Engels. Daarna kregen ze de kans om vragen te stellen. Het was een boeiende en erg spannende
oktober 20, 2020

Talentenuur eTwinning: Voki

The pupils of the talent based course are participating at a brand new eTwinning project called 'Our school in corona times'. They learned to login on Twinspace and managed their eTwinning profile. In order to introduce themselves to our foreign partners, they designed cool avatars (=Voki). Click on the link next to the name of the student to
september 22, 2020

Talentenuur eTwinning

The pupils of the talent based course are participating at a brand new eTwinning project called 'Our school in corona times'. What does a return to school during the COVID-19 pandemic look like? Life during the COVID-19 pandemic is difficult for parents and children alike. The return to school after the summer break is an
juni 30, 2020

Talentenuur eTwinning

Ook voor het keuzevak eTwinning loopt het schooljaar op zijn einde. Een speciaal einde van een schooljaar dat er helemaal anders uitzag dan gebruikelijk. Onze etwinners zijn, weliswaar vanop afstand, hun best blijven doen tot de allerlaatste dag. Proficiat hiervoor! HIER kan je onze laatste activiteiten opvolgen betreffende het project 'corona and me'. Tot volgend schooljaar, voor
juni 10, 2020

Talentenuur eTwinning

The pupils of the talent based course eTwinning are stil participating at the project 'Corona and me'. Here you can see all the activities we did with our Turkish and Spanish partners so
juni 8, 2020

Talentenuur eTwinning

The pupils of the talent based course are participating at a brand new eTwinning project called 'corona and me'. Last week, it was cooking week for the etwinners. They could bake a pie, cake or cookies at home. Our pupils were allowed to be creative as long as it suited the theme 'the Corona crisis'.